Lexington Park Runners: Participate in the Des Plaines River Trail Race!

For all of our Lexington Park runners – this may be of interest to you to take advantage of the beautiful track that alternates between lush forests and open wetlands along the scenic Des Plaines River!

The Des Plaines River Trail race takes place on Saturday, October 22nd.  Race times vary due to the distance you are running! Registration closes on race day morning, so be sure to sign up as early as you can.

This is a truly special running course. The DPR Trail is a wide, crushed gravel track, free of roots and rocks, and very flat. All of the major road crossings are managed by way of bridges or viaducts (with only 4 minor road crossings along the whole course).

If you’re interested in more information or would like to register for the race, please visit their website here!