Construction in Full Swing at Lexington Village at Rob Roy

Construction started just a couple of weeks ago at Lexington Village and the progress is unbelievable.  

First, our awesome construction team completed the necessary underground work, the grading and the storm sewers.  Next the grading was completed and then the laying and compacting of the gravel entrance road and driveways.  

On Saturday, the curbs were finished.  So, we are in full swing and things look very good for late spring projected delivery dates for your new home in building one.  

Before the end of the month, you should see the beginnings of our first building take shape.  We have 2 sold in building one, but if you hurry, there is still time to choose yours and make your “Pre-drywall” choices!  Stop in today for details and directions to our models.  Call our Sales Manager, Toni Henricks, for a personal meeting @ 847-459-9900.