Cell Phones for Soldiers – A Lexington Square Community Event

Lexington Square is hosting a BBQ gathering  for all its community members to contribute to the “Cell Phones for Soldiers” program.  11th Ward Chicago Alderman James A. Balcer will be attending this event on 8/23/11 and we’re excited and honored to be a part of this program!

Alderman Balcer, along with the city council and the Illinois Chapter of AT&T, are proud participants of the program, as well.  The program takes place now through Thanksgiving, and enables residents to drop off their old cell phones in collection boxes setup at the office of Alderman all over the city. Anyone who would like to drop off a cell phone at Lexington Square can do so and we will have them delivered to the Alderman!

The phones collected will be recycled, and the money generated will be used to buy prepaid phone cards for active duty military members, to call home and call their families. For more information, please visit: http://www.cellphonesforsoldiers.com/

We will have photo updates from the event on Facebook so be sure to stay tuned!!