September at Lexington Square

There’s something about September that signifies a change.  Maybe it’s an ending to carefree summer days and a beginning of fall, a more serious time.  Maybe it’s all those years spent dreaming of summer vacation and dreading the beginning of school.  Maybe more specifically for some, it is the beginning of the Chicago Bears football season and/or the University of Illinois, Notre Dame or Northwestern University football season.

Whatever it is, we hope you have a smooth transition from summer to fall. Check out the calendar (below) for your favorite match up and mark it down! For all of you Chicago Bears fans, you should know that Soldier Field is only 4.4 miles from the Lexington Square community and just about a 10 minute drive.  It’s so nice knowing how close Bridgeport is to every major highway, including Lake Shore Drive!!

Let us know what teams will be your favorite to watch this season by sharing on our Facebook page!  If you’d like more information about living at Lexington Square, please visit our website!